How To Open File Extension

File codificato & crittografati

Estensione del file Nome completo del file
Estensione .ASEC Google Android Encrypted Application Package
Estensione .A2R KittyXplorer Encrypted Archive
Estensione .AAS Archos Signed Encrypted Data
Estensione .ABC Adobe ActionScript Byte Code
Estensione .ACL ArchiCrypt Live Secured Data
Estensione .ACSM Adobe Content Server Message
Estensione .AD AppleDouble Encoded
Estensione .ADOC Authentica Secure Office Encoded Word Document
Estensione .AEE ASUS Data Security Manager Encoded
Estensione .AEN Inventus Antum Secured Encrypted
Estensione .AEPKEY Advanced Encryption Package Key
Estensione .AES AES Crypt Encrypted
Estensione .AES256 Insurance.aes256 Encrypted
Estensione .AEX PGP Armored Extracted Public Encryption Key
Estensione .AEXPK PGP Armored Extracted Public Key
Estensione .AFP FileProtector Encrypted
Estensione .AFS3 AFS 3 Basic Encrypted
Estensione .AGILEKEYCHAIN 1Password Data
Estensione .ALK DataLocker Encrpyted
Estensione .AOS Archos Signed Encrypted Data
Estensione .APPT Authentica Secure Office Protected PowerPoint Presentation
Estensione .APV Acerose Password
Estensione .APW Password
Estensione .ARM SoftwarePassport Protection System
Estensione .ASC PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) Signature
Estensione .ATC AttacheCase Encrypted
Estensione .ATT ZipLip Secure E-mail
Estensione .AUT Xitami Webserver Admin Password
Estensione .AUTH ShopSite Store Authorization
Estensione .AVN AltaVENTE Application User Notes
Estensione .AXX AxCryot Encrypted
Estensione .AZF Secure Format
Estensione .AZS Secure Format
Estensione .B2A Binary To ASCII (BTOA) Encoded
Estensione .BASE64 Base64 File Format
Estensione .BEXPK PGP Binary Extracted Public Key
Estensione .BFA Blowfish-encrypted
Estensione .BFE Bcrypt - BlowFish File Encryption
Estensione .BIOEXCESS MyWinLocker Protected
Estensione .BMPENX Encrypted BMP
Estensione .BMS BIOWRAP Multi-layer Security
Estensione .BNC Bojanov Encryptor Encrypted
Estensione .BPK Nero SecurDisc Public Key
Estensione .BSK Nero SecurDisc Private Key
Estensione .BTOA Binary-to-ASCII File Format
Estensione .C2V WellSight Systems License Information
Estensione .CAE Caditor Encrypted Document
Estensione .CAN Can Encryptor/Decryptor Encrypted
Estensione .CCP Two Brothers Software Encrypted
Estensione .CDB FreeOTFE Key
Estensione .CEF SanDisk CruzerLock Encrypted
Estensione .CFD CryptoForge Document
Estensione .CFE CryptoForge Encrypted
Estensione .CGP PixelCryptor Encrypted
Estensione .CHI TOMBO Encrypted
Estensione .CHML Chameleon Encrypted
Estensione .CIP CryptoBuddy Encrypted
Estensione .CLK WatchGuard Cloaked
Estensione .CLU IBM PCI Cryptographic Coprocessor Code
Estensione .CLX Ceelox SecureMail Encrypted Document
Estensione .CNG CryptoNG Encrypted
Estensione .CPT DBASE Encrypted Memo
Estensione .CPX CryptaPix Encrypted Image
Estensione .CRL Certificate Revocation List
Estensione .CRY Cryptainer Encrypted Volume
Estensione .CRYPT WhatsApp Messenger Encrypted Message Database Backup
Estensione .CRYPTED Ashampoo WinOptimizer Encrypted
Estensione .CRYPTOMITE CryptoMite Encrypted Archive
Estensione .CRYPTRA Cryptra Encrypted
Estensione .CSJ RIM CSJ Registration
Estensione .CXT Adobe Director Protected Cast
Estensione .CYP Cypherus Encrypted Archive
Estensione .CZIP ZG Encrypted Zip Archive
Estensione .DAZ DIABASS Encrypted Patient Data
Estensione .DC4 ViaThinkSoft (De)Coder
Estensione .DCO DisCryptor Encrypted Archive
Estensione .DCV DriveCrypt Encrypted Volume
Estensione .DES Interscope BlackBox
Estensione .DEVICESALT Nook Encrypted
Estensione .DIM Direct Internet Message Encapsulation DIME
Estensione .DLM Dmailer Encrypted
Estensione .DOCENX Egis Encrypted Word DOC
Estensione .DOCXENX Egis Encrypted Word DOCX
Estensione .DOTMENX Egis Encrypted Word DOTM
Estensione .DOTXENX Egis Encrypted Word DOTX
Estensione .DPD Dekart Private Disk Encrypted Disk Image
Estensione .DRC DriveCrypt Container
Estensione .DSA PKCS7 Signature
Estensione .DSC Nikon Coolpix Disk Identification
Estensione .DSF PC-TRUST Signed Document
Estensione .DST ViPNet Products Encryption Key Set
Estensione .DWX CADLock Locked AutoCAD Drawing
Estensione .ECR Ecrypt Encrypted
Estensione .EDAT Sony Playstation Portable PSP Encrypted Data
Estensione .EDC Kryptel (Lite) Decoder/Encoder
Estensione .EE Encrypt Easy Encrypted
Estensione .EEA Encrypted E-mail Attachment
Estensione .EFA Ecrypt 2005 Encrypted
Estensione .EFC FAIRCOPY Encrypted Fair Copy
Estensione .EFF EFileFolders File Format
Estensione .EFL Encryptafile Encrypted
Estensione .EFR Encryptafile Private Key
Estensione .EFU Encryptafile Public Key
Estensione .EGISENC Egis Encrypted
Estensione .EGISENX Egis Encryped
Estensione .EGS GIS Software Encrypted Grid Shape
Estensione .EID Faena MyID Encrypted
Estensione .EKB SIEMENS Automation License Manager
Estensione .EMBP Mobipocket EBook Encrypted Auxiliary
Estensione .EMC Striata Reader Encrypted Document
Estensione .ENC Uuencode Encoded
Estensione .ENCIPHERED Malware (ransomware) Encoded
Estensione .ENK Sybase Enterprise Portal Security Key
Estensione .ENT Entrust Entelligence Security Provider Secured
Estensione .EOC EncryptOnClick Encrypted
Estensione .EPF Entrust Entelligence Profile
Estensione .ESM Europay Security Module
Estensione .ETXT Encrypted Text
Estensione .EXPORTEDFAVORITES Transmit For Mac Exported Logins
Estensione .EZK EasyKrypt Encrypted
Estensione .FCFE Microsoft Access Encrypted Database
Estensione .FDP Protector Suite QL
Estensione .FGP Folder Guard Passwords
Estensione .FLK Folder Lock Encrypted
Estensione .FLKA Folder Lock Encrypted Portable Folder
Estensione .FLKB Folder Lock Encrypted Folder
Estensione .FLKW Folder Lock Encrypted
Estensione .FLWA Folder Lock Wallet
Estensione .FPA Front Panel Designer Encrypted Order
Estensione .FPENC Mobile File Encryption MIDlet Encrypted
Estensione .FSS Splitty Data Split
Estensione .FVE Windows BitLocker Full Volume Encryption
Estensione .GIFENX Egis Encrypted GIF
Estensione .GPG GNU Privacy Guard Public Keyring
Estensione .GRD StrongDisk Encrypted Disk Image
Estensione .GTE GigaTrust Protected
Estensione .GXK Galaxkey File Manager Encrypted
Estensione .HDE NAUPA File Encryptor Encrypted
Estensione .HDS Windows Digital Right Management
Estensione .HDT Proactive Windows Security Explorer Hash
Estensione .HEX Macintosh BinHex Encoded File Archive (ASCII)
Estensione .HID KeepSafe Encrypted
Estensione .HID2 KeepSafe Encrypted
Estensione .HOP Hippon Protected
Estensione .HPG Hide Photos Encrypted Photo Container
Estensione .HSF Lizard Protector Web Content Security Protected Web Content
Estensione .HSH Microsoft IIS NNTP Hash
Estensione .HTMLENX Egis Encrypted HTML
Estensione .IBE IBECrypto Encrypted
Estensione .ICA Identity Compass Encrypted Answers
Estensione .ICD SafeDisc Encrypted Digital Rights Management
Estensione .ICP Identity Compass Encrypted Profile
Estensione .IFS InfoSlips Secure Information Package
Estensione .IMG3 Apple IOS Img3 Encrypted Or Signed Container
Estensione .ISK Druvaa InSync Client Key
Estensione .ISM SimulationX Encrypted Model
Estensione .IVEX Worldviz Vizard Encrypted
Estensione .JBC BestCrypt
Estensione .JCRYPT JCRYPT Encrypted
Estensione .JPEGENX Egis Encrypted JPEG
Estensione .JPGENX Egis Encrypted JPG
Estensione .JPGX Egis Encrypted JPG Bitmap Image
Estensione .JPI Jupiter Encrypted XML
Estensione .JRL Top Secret Crypto Gold Top Secret Journal
Estensione .JSE JScript Encoded Script
Estensione .JSN Shield Now Shield
Estensione .K2P Kryptel Encrypted
Estensione .KDE Kaspersky KryptoStorage Encrypted
Estensione .KEY Licence Or Encrypted Security
Estensione .KEYCHAIN Apple Keychain Password
Estensione .KGB Kremlin Encrypt
Estensione .KSD KeepSafe Encrypted
Estensione .KWM WM Keeper CLASSIC Key
Estensione .LF SoftwareKey License
Estensione .LGB QuickBooks Little Green Box
Estensione .LMA Ps Logik-Manager Protect
Estensione .LOCK3 BlackBerry Encrypted 3GP
Estensione .LOK FileWrangler Encrypted Archive
Estensione .LP7 LP7Signer Digital Signed
Estensione .LRS Lexar Encrypted
Estensione .LXV Lexar Secure II Encrypted Archive
Estensione .MACS MADRIX Encrypted Script
Estensione .MBS Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extensions
Estensione .MBZ5 Micros Encrypted Password Database
Estensione .MCAT Meerecat File Guard Encrypted
Estensione .MCK Macro Keys Encrypted Macro
Estensione .MCRP MobyExplorer Encrypted
Estensione .MENC Microsoft Windows Mobile Encrypted
Estensione .MEO MEO Encrypted
Estensione .MFS MetFS Encrypted FUSE Basedsystem
Estensione .MHTENX Egis Encrypted HTM
Estensione .MHTMLENX Egis Encrypted MHTML
Estensione .MIGITALLOCK Migital Encrypted
Estensione .MIM Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extensions
Estensione .MJD Adobe Acrobat MIME Encoded Job Definition
Estensione .MKEY CompeGPS Land Registration Key
Estensione .MKEYB CompeGPS Land Registration Key
Estensione .MNC AutoCAD Compiled Menu
Estensione .MONO Monolith Munged Encoded
Estensione .MSD Secured And Encrypted
Estensione .MSE 3D Studio Max Encrypted MAXScript
Estensione .MTD Microsoft Live Mesh Hash
Estensione .NIP Microsoft DRM (Digital Right Management)
Estensione .NTX YEnc32 Encoded
Estensione .ONTX TheWord Encrypted Module
Estensione .OPEF OmniPass Encrypted Folder
Estensione .OSF ICZ OriSAFE
Estensione .OTP Top Secret Crypto Gold One Time Pad Key
Estensione .PFX Certificate
Estensione .PKPASS Apple Passbook Pass
Estensione .P12 PFX File (Personal Information Exchange)
Estensione .P7 Elemica ESignature Application
Estensione .P7A PKCS #7 Signature
Estensione .P7E SecureSoft Encrypted
Estensione .P7M S/MIME Signature
Estensione .P7S PKCS #7 Signature
Estensione .P7X Application Digital Certificate
Estensione .P7Z S/MIME Compressed Message
Estensione .PAE PowerArchiver Encrypted Archive
Estensione .PANDORA Pandora Private Multimedia
Estensione .PASSWORDWALLET4 PasswordWallet Encrypted Data
Estensione .PAW PawaaFILE File Format
Estensione .PCP RCF EnCoder/DeCoder Encoded
Estensione .PCXM SQL Server Encrypted Forms Backup
Estensione .PDC Lizard Safeguard Secure PDF
Estensione .PDE PowerDesk Encrypted
Estensione .PDFENX Egis Encrypted PDF
Estensione .PEM Privacy Enhanced Mail Security Certificate
Estensione .PF Aladdin Systems Private
Estensione .PGP Pretty Good Privacy Encrypted
Estensione .PIE Studio2 High Resolution Encrypted Image
Estensione .PKCS12 Personal Information Exchange
Estensione .PKEY PowerKey Encrypted
Estensione .PKF SecretAgent Key
Estensione .PKK PuTTYgen Private Key
Estensione .PKR Pretty Good Privacy Public Keyring
Estensione .PLE Messenger Plus! Live Encrypted Log
Estensione .PNNE Norton Encrypt For Mac
Estensione .POTMENX Egis Encrypted PowerPoint POTM
Estensione .PP7M Entrust Entelligence Security Provider Password-encrypted
Estensione .PPENC Ashampoo Magical Security Encrypted
Estensione .PPK PuTTY Win32 Telnet/SSH Client Private Key
Estensione .PPSXENX Egis Encrypted PowerPoint PPSX
Estensione .PPTENX Egis Encrypted Powerpoint PPT
Estensione .PPTXENX Egis Encrypted Powerpoint PPTX
Estensione .PRV SecretAgent Private Key
Estensione .PRVKR Pretty Good Privacy Private Keyring
Estensione .PSWX Password Depot Password
Estensione .PUF Puffer Encrypted File
Estensione .PVK Private Key
Estensione .PWA Password Agent Encrypted
Estensione .PWL Microsoft Windows Password
Estensione .QZE QZip Encrypted
Estensione .RAE TrueZIP Encrypted ZIP Archive
Estensione .RAES TrueZIP Encrypted ZIP Archive
Estensione .RARENX Egis Encrypted RAR
Estensione .RAW Sentry 2020 Encryption
Estensione .RBB Top Secret Crypto Gold Random Bits Bin
Estensione .RDI Rohos Encrypted Disk Image
Estensione .RDK Blackberry RDK
Estensione .RFP RoboForm Passcard
Estensione .RGSS2A RPG Maker VX RGSS Encrypted Archive
Estensione .RNG Top Secret Crypto Gold RSA Key Ring
Estensione .RPZ Crystal Reports ZIP Compressed And Encrypted Report
Estensione .RSA RSA Digital Certificate
Estensione .RSDF RapidShare Download Settings
Estensione .RTE RTEncoder RTE Encoded
Estensione .RXF Resco Encrypted
Estensione .RZS Red Zion Security
Estensione .RZX File Crypt Encrypted
Estensione .S1J Sealed
Estensione .SAA SecretAgent Encrypted Archive
Estensione .SAFE ECypher Cryptographic Container
Estensione .SAFETEXT Encrypted Text
Estensione .SDA Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Encrypted Executable
Estensione .SDC Microsoft Secure Download Cabinet Archive
Estensione .SDE Steganos Disk Encryption File Format
Estensione .SDO Signed Document
Estensione .SDOC Microsoft Word Sealed Document
Estensione .SDSK SafeHouse Private Storage Volume
Estensione .SDTID RSA Soft-token
Estensione .SEC Pretty Good Privacy Secret Key Ring
Estensione .SECURE Septium Secured Document
Estensione .SEF Steganos Encrypted
Estensione .SGN Signet Encrypted
Estensione .SGZ Sigza’s SigzaLock Encrypted
Estensione .SHY ShyFile Encrypted
Estensione .SIGN GNU Privacy Guard
Estensione .SIGNED Apple Safari
Estensione .SJPG Sealed JPG
Estensione .SKA Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Secret Keyring
Estensione .SKR PGP Pretty Good Privacy Private Keyring
Estensione .SMBP Mobipocket EBook Secured Auxiliary
Estensione .SME SmartEncryptor Encrypted Archive
Estensione .SMHT Sealed MHT Archive
Estensione .SPD SpyProof! Encrypted Disk Data
Estensione .SPK SpyProof! Encrypted Symmetric Key
Estensione .SPN Sealed PNG Graphic
Estensione .SPPT Sealed Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
Estensione .STH Lotus Domino Stash
Estensione .STI Sealed TIFF
Estensione .STXT Sealed Text Document
Estensione .SUF Ccrypt Encrypted
Estensione .SVQ InfoBind File Format
Estensione .SVZ Savez
Estensione .SWITCH Egress Switch Package
Estensione .SXL Sealed Excel Worksheet
Estensione .SXM Sealed XML Document
Estensione .TC TrueCrypt Disk Volume
Estensione .TMW Timeless Time & Expense Multi-user Security
Estensione .TPM Microsoft Trusted Platform Module Password
Estensione .TSC Top Secret Crypto Gold Encrypted
Estensione .TXTENX Egis Encrypted TXT
Estensione .TZP TrueZIP Ecnrypted JAR Java
Estensione .UEA Protector Suite QL
Estensione .UEAF Upek Protected Single
Estensione .UEED Uconomix Encryption Engine Encrypted Directory
Estensione .UENC UltraEdit Encrypted Text
Estensione .UHH Eurotherm Hydra History Encrypted
Estensione .UU Uuencoded (compressed) File Archive (ascii)
Estensione .UUD UUDecoded
Estensione .V2C WellSight Systems HASP SRM License Information
Estensione .VDATA Vaulty Hide Picture Image
Estensione .VF3 Vaultlet Suite Encrypted
Estensione .VMDF MyWinLocker Encrypted Virtual Drive
Estensione .VME Virtual Matrix Encryption
Estensione .VP Verilog Encrypted Source Code
Estensione .VSF Voltage SecureFile Encrypted
Estensione .VZN Windows VZN Image File
Estensione .WMG SecureDoc Encrypted Hard Drive Control
Estensione .WMT WinMount
Estensione .WZA Encryption Wizard Archive
Estensione .XCON Conceal Encrypted Data
Estensione .XDB HyperCD HyperLOCK
Estensione .XDC Total Commander With DarkCrypt IV Plug-in Encrypted
Estensione .XEF WinAce Encrypted
Estensione .XFI XICE Desktop Encrypted
Estensione .XFL XICE Desktop Encrypted Folder
Estensione .XIA Chiasmus Encrypted
Estensione .XLAMENX Egis Encrypted Excel XLAM
Estensione .XLSENX Egis Encrypted Excel XLS
Estensione .XLSXENX Egis Encrypted Excel XLSX
Estensione .XXE XXEncoded
Estensione .Y8PD Password Finder Yahoo! Mail / Yahoo! Messenger Exported Password
Estensione .YENC YEnc Encoded Archive
Estensione .YNC YEnc Encoded
Estensione .ZBB ZEMAX Black Box
Estensione .ZIPENX Egis Encrypted ZIP
Estensione .ZIX ZixCorp Encrypted
Estensione .ZPS Zebra Portable Safe
Estensione .ZXN PhotoEncrypt Encrypted Photo
Estensione .$EFS Encrypted EFS
Estensione .__B File Splitter & Joiner Encrypted Archive
Estensione .___FPE Folder Password Expert Protected Folder