How To Open File Extension

File di GPS&GIS

Estensione del file Nome completo del file
Estensione .ADC Xmap Output
Estensione .ADF ArcView ARC/INFO Coverage Data
Estensione .ADM Garmin GPS SD Card Save
Estensione .AEP ArcExplorer Project
Estensione .AET Maptech Raster Aeronautical Charts
Estensione .AEU Microsoft AutoRoute Express Europe Route
Estensione .AFP XMap Flight Plan (statistic)
Estensione .AGB NAVFone
Estensione .ALG ER Mapper Algorithm
Estensione .AMF Anquet Digital Map
Estensione .AN1 DeLorme Street Atlas Drawing
Estensione .APL ArcPad Layer
Estensione .APM ArcPad Ver.6 Related
Estensione .APP ArcPad Project
Estensione .APR ArcView Project
Estensione .AQM AlpineQuest GPS Hiking Map
Estensione .ARCINFO ArcInfo Info
Estensione .ARD ALAN Map 600 Map
Estensione .ASRP Arc Standard Raster Product
Estensione .AT5 Lowrance Chart
Estensione .AUE Annotated Urban Environments
Estensione .AUT GPSMan Automapic
Estensione .AUX ERDAS Geospatial Auxiliary
Estensione .AVL ArcView Legend Template
Estensione .AVP ArcView Legend Editor Palette
Estensione .AWX ArcIMS XML Project
Estensione .AXE Microsoft Autoroute Map
Estensione .AXG Microsoft AutoRoute Trip
Estensione .BDS Cadcorp SIS Base Dataset
Estensione .BDY DMAP Boundary
Estensione .BGD ESRI Binary Raster Definition
Estensione .BK Automatic Packet/position Reporting System (APRS)
Estensione .BLX Magellan MapSend Map Data
Estensione .BML BusinessMAP Map Layer
Estensione .BNA Atlas Boundary
Estensione .BPS XMap Flight Plan
Estensione .BQW ArcView World
Estensione .BSB MapInfo Sea Chart
Estensione .BSQ ArcView Band Sequential Image
Estensione .BYO Bayo CartoExploreur Cartographic Map
Estensione .C-MAP C-map
Estensione .CADRG Compressed ARC Raster Graphic
Estensione .CAI SeeYou Flight Data
Estensione .CAT ArcView UNIX Hyperhelp Supporting
Estensione .CDEM CompeGPS Land Landscape
Estensione .CEE Compressed GPS Ephemeris Data
Estensione .CGMAP CityGuide Region Map
Estensione .CIT SeeYou Vector Maps
Estensione .CLS ArcView Geocoding Classification
Estensione .CMF Microsoft MapPoint 2006 Map
Estensione .CMR SeeYou Raster Maps
Estensione .COR Trimble GPS Pathfinder Office Corrected SSF
Estensione .CRD ALAN Map 500 Map
Estensione .CTC SeeYou Flight Data
Estensione .CUB SeeYou Airspace
Estensione .CUP SeeYou Waypoint
Estensione .CVI CassiniVision Map Image
Estensione .CWMS CompeGPS Land Remote Map
Estensione .DBF ArcView Shapefile Attribute Table
Estensione .DBS Trimble GPS Data
Estensione .DBX Garmin MapSource Vector Map
Estensione .DDF GPS Pathfinder Office Data Dictionary
Estensione .DEM Digital Elevation Model Map
Estensione .DGDAT DoubleGIS Database
Estensione .DGF GPS Pathfinder Office Geoid Grid
Estensione .DLG ArcView Graph
Estensione .DMF Digitals/Delta Map
Estensione .DOQ Digital Orthophoto Quadrangle
Estensione .DT0 DTED Digital Terrain Elevation Data Level 0
Estensione .DT1 DTED Digital Terrain Elevation Data Level 1
Estensione .DT2 DTED Digital Terrain Elevation Data Level 2
Estensione .DVC IDRISI Vector Definition
Estensione .E00 ESRI Map File Export
Estensione .E01 ArcInfo Export
Estensione .E02 ArcInfo Export
Estensione .E03 ArcInfo Export
Estensione .E04 ArcInfo Export
Estensione .E05 ArcInfo Export
Estensione .E06 ArcInfo Export
Estensione .EAF Fragstats*Arc
Estensione .EBMD MicroMap Map
Estensione .EE GPS Ephemeris Data
Estensione .EMT Emtac Trine Datalog
Estensione .ENC Electronic Navigation Chart
Estensione .EOO ArcInfo Workstation Export
Estensione .EPH GPS Pathfinder Office Ephemeris
Estensione .ESI ESRI Plot
Estensione .EST Microsoft Streets & Trips Trip
Estensione .ETA Keyhole EarthViewer Placemark Or Overlay
Estensione .EWW ER Mapper World Data
Estensione .FBL IGO Map
Estensione .FBN ArcView Spatial Index
Estensione .FJV IGO Primo Map Related
Estensione .FLN Flight Plan
Estensione .FLS ArcView Windows Help Supporting
Estensione .FPI Fugawi Points Of Interest
Estensione .FX3 Fugawi Map
Estensione .FX4 Fugawi GPS Map
Estensione .G10 Garmin GPS Map
Estensione .GAR GPS_COM Waypoint Data
Estensione .GBN Itres Binary Grid
Estensione .GDB Garmin MapSource GPS Waypoint Database
Estensione .GDBTABLE ArcGIS Geodatabase
Estensione .GDBTABLX ArcGIS Geodatabase
Estensione .GEO EXplorist GPS Geocache Manager Database
Estensione .GGF GPS Pathfinder Office Geoid Grid
Estensione .GHD Geonaute Keymaze Tracklog
Estensione .GLC IGIS Data
Estensione .GLF IGolf Golf Course
Estensione .GMAP Garmin Map
Estensione .GMC Global Mapper Catalog
Estensione .GMF Geology Multi-file
Estensione .GMI GPS Tuner Map Calibration Data
Estensione .GML Geography Markup Language
Estensione .GMW Global Mapper Workspace
Estensione .GND Geography Network Document
Estensione .GP1 Street Atlas GPS Log
Estensione .GPL Street Atlas USA GPL Log
Estensione .GPRMC GPS Data
Estensione .GPS Pocket CoPilot GPS Tracks Data
Estensione .GPX GPS EXchange Format
Estensione .GSI GPS Tuner Map Slices Calibration Data
Estensione .GSM MapViewer Document
Estensione .GSR Golden Software GIS
Estensione .GST MapInfo Geoset
Estensione .GTM GPS TrackMaker Map
Estensione .GVG Kompass Map
Estensione .GVN GeoVisu Navigation Data
Estensione .GVR GeoVisu Routes
Estensione .GVT GeoVisu Tracklogs
Estensione .GVW GeoVisu Waypoints
Estensione .GWC Golfwits Course Map
Estensione .GWS GeoMedia Geoworkspace
Estensione .HDS XMap Hierarchical Dataset
Estensione .HGZ ArcMap GIS
Estensione .HMAP CompeGPS Land HyperMap
Estensione .HNR Teleatlas
Estensione .HTF GIS Format
Estensione .IGA CARIS GIS Corner Georeferencing Coordinate
Estensione .IKT MagicMaps IK3D Project
Estensione .ILF Ag Leader Technology SMS Insight Log
Estensione .IMG Garmin Basemap
Estensione .IMI Magellan Map
Estensione .IMP CompeGPS Land Map Settings
Estensione .INP GIS Input
Estensione .IRV XMap Workfile
Estensione .ISX Intrasis Object
Estensione .ITN TomTom Navigator Itinerary
Estensione .IVL IBM ILOG JViews Maps Map
Estensione .J2W ArcExplorer World
Estensione .JCT JCT
Estensione .JGW JPEG World
Estensione .JNX Garmin Raster Map
Estensione .JPGW JPEG World
Estensione .JPW ESRI JPEG World
Estensione .KAP Maptech BSB Map
Estensione .KEY ArcView Geocoding Matching Keys
Estensione .KLM Keyhole Markup Language (Google Earth)
Estensione .KML Google Earth Keyhole Markup Language
Estensione .KMTF Garmin Nuvi GPS Map
Estensione .KMZ Compressed Keyhole Markup Language (Google Earth)
Estensione .KWI KIWI Navigation System Database
Estensione .L01 ARC Digitized Raster Graphics
Estensione .LAN Erdas LAN Image
Estensione .LAS LIDAR Data Exchange
Estensione .LGS USGS Digital Line Graph
Estensione .LMX Nokia Landmark Exchange
Estensione .LOC EasyGPS TerraByte Location
Estensione .LPK ArcGIS Layer Package
Estensione .LST Alan Map 500 Map List
Estensione .LTM Holux EzTour For Logger
Estensione .M7A MapKing Map
Estensione .M7D MapKing Navigation Map
Estensione .MAP ArcView Network Map
Estensione .MAPLIB Mscape Map
Estensione .MAT ArcView Geocoding Matching Parameters
Estensione .MGLR Magellan Routes
Estensione .MGLT Magellan Tracklogs
Estensione .MGLW Magellan Waypoint
Estensione .MHN Master Navigator Header
Estensione .MID MapInfo Interchange Format
Estensione .MIK MapInfo MapImagery Encryption Key
Estensione .MMJ MobileMapper Office Job
Estensione .MMN Memory-Map Navigator Overlay Object
Estensione .MNG DeLorme Map File Extension
Estensione .MPK ArcGIS Map Package
Estensione .MPS MapSource GPS Mapping Interface Waypoints
Estensione .MPV CompeGPS Land Vector Map
Estensione .MPVF CompeGPS Land Fast Vector Map
Estensione .MRF GPS Pathfinder Office Geoid Grid
Estensione .MRR Map
Estensione .MTC SpeedCamps Builder
Estensione .MTKT MTK GPS Receiver Data
Estensione .MVF UtilityMaps Map Data
Estensione .MWX Autodesk MapGuide Author Map Window XML
Estensione .MXD ArcGIS Map Document
Estensione .MXS ArcView Geocoding Index For Read-write Shapefiles
Estensione .MXT ArcGIS ArcMap Map Template
Estensione .NAVIONICS GPS Chart Format
Estensione .NAVMAP ESRI Data
Estensione .NGT NONI GPSPlot GIS
Estensione .NM2 Navitel Navigator Map
Estensione .NM3 Navitel Navigator 5.0 Map
Estensione .NM7 Navitel Navigator Map
Estensione .NMAP NaviComputer Map
Estensione .NMC ArcGIS Explorer Map Content
Estensione .NMEA Global Positioning File (GPS)
Estensione .NMF ArcGIS Explorer Map
Estensione .NMGF Noise Model Grid Format
Estensione .NTM Navitel Map
Estensione .NTX CARIS Marine Navigation Info
Estensione .NV2 Navionics Chart
Estensione .OBF OsmAnd Offline GPS Vector Maps
Estensione .OMD MapInfo Routing J Server Data
Estensione .ONM Outdoor Navigator Map
Estensione .OV2 TomTom Navigator Point Of Interest
Estensione .OVL Geogrid ASCII Overlay
Estensione .OZF2 OziExplorer Map
Estensione .OZFX3 OziExplorer Image
Estensione .PAT ArcView Geocoding Pattern Recognition
Estensione .PGF GPS Pathfinder Office Geoid Grid
Estensione .PIX PCIDSK PCI Geomatics Database
Estensione .PMF ESRI Map
Estensione .PNA TomTom Navigator PNA Map Info
Estensione .POI Magellan Maestro Point Of Interest
Estensione .POS Trimble Position
Estensione .POSTAL TomTom Postal Code
Estensione .PP2 Visual Passage Planner
Estensione .PPS ArcView Processing Set Codes
Estensione .PRJ ArcView Shapefile Projections Definition
Estensione .PRM TomTom Map
Estensione .PTM Microsoft MapPoint Map
Estensione .PTT Microsoft MapPoint Template
Estensione .QCT Memory-Map Imported Map
Estensione .QED Memory-Map Navigator Map
Estensione .QGIS Quantum GIS Project
Estensione .QGS Quantum GIS Project
Estensione .QPJ Quantum GIS Project
Estensione .QRT QuickRoute Map
Estensione .QU2 GPS2WorldWind Database
Estensione .RD5 Survey Pro Road Alignment
Estensione .RGN Garmin Region
Estensione .RIK SharpMap
Estensione .RMAP CompeGPS Land Raster Map
Estensione .RMP Magellan Map
Estensione .RRF Raytech
Estensione .RT2 OziExplorerCE Route
Estensione .RTE OziExplorer Route
Estensione .RTG RiverTools Grid (RTG) Format
Estensione .RTKT Royaltek Binary Data
Estensione .RTMAP CompeGPS Land Raster Map
Estensione .SA4 Delorme Street Atlas USA
Estensione .SA7 Street Atlas Map Document
Estensione .SA8 Street Atlas 8 Map Document
Estensione .SAF Street Atlas USA Map
Estensione .SBP GPSBabel File Format
Estensione .SDC ESRI SDC Dataset
Estensione .SDF Autodesk MapGuide Spatial Data
Estensione .SDM Spatial Data Modeling Language
Estensione .SDML Spatial Data Modeling Language VRML
Estensione .SHP ESRI ArcView Shape
Estensione .SMZ IBM SPSS Graphboard Template Chooser Shape
Estensione .SPDB IGO Primo Speedcam Database
Estensione .SPUD Speed Cam Update
Estensione .SRF LandSerf GIS Project
Estensione .SSF GPS Pathfinder Office Almanac And Base Data
Estensione .STN ArcView Geocoding Standardization
Estensione .STT Microsoft Streets & Trips Map Template
Estensione .STYLE ArcGIS Style Manager
Estensione .SUR Topocad
Estensione .SXD ArcGIS ArcScene Document
Estensione .T00 Trimble GNSS Measurement
Estensione .TAB GPS Pathfinder Office Station Or Session Table
Estensione .TAT ESRI Geographic Text Attribute Table
Estensione .TDMB Trimble Outdoors Navigator Map Bundle
Estensione .TFD Tape Format Requirements Document
Estensione .TFRD Tape Image Format Requirements Document
Estensione .TFW ArcView World
Estensione .TFWX ArcGIS Approximate Affine Transformation
Estensione .TGR Tiger Line
Estensione .TK1 Wintec Tools GPS Log
Estensione .TKL Holux MapShow305 Track
Estensione .TPO TOPO! MapXchange Document
Estensione .TPQ TOPO!Pro Map
Estensione .TPX Topo North America Project
Estensione .TRG XMap Flight Plan Or Flight Plan Statistic
Estensione .TRK Garmin GPS PCX5 Track
Estensione .TRL Alan Map500 Tracklogs
Estensione .TSO Tactical Situation Object XML
Estensione .TTKGP TatukGIS Editor Project
Estensione .TWF ArcView World Coordinates
Estensione .TWL Naviguide Binary Route
Estensione .UKO UK Offshore Operators Association (OKOOA) P1/90 Data
Estensione .UNL Garmin MapSource Unlock
Estensione .UPOI IGO Points Of Interest
Estensione .VDB Swiss Topo Map
Estensione .VIK Viking
Estensione .VMAP CompeGPS Land Fast Vector Map
Estensione .VRC ViewRanger Map
Estensione .VRG ViewRanger Map
Estensione .VRH ViewRanger Map
Estensione .VRM ViewRanger Map
Estensione .VTM CARIS GIS Vector Transparency Mask
Estensione .VYK MISYS
Estensione .WFD Wayfinder Map
Estensione .WGOM CompeGPS Land Google Earth Remote Map
Estensione .WOR MapInfo Workspace
Estensione .WPR Alan Map500 Waypoints And Routes
Estensione .WPT GPS Waypoint
Estensione .XCM CmapTools Exported Concept Map
Estensione .XOL Swiss Map Overlay
Estensione .ZGT Copilot
Estensione .000 International S-57 Hydrographic Data Electronic Navigation Chart Update
Estensione .001 International S-57 Hydrographic Data Electronic Navigation Chart
Estensione .002 International S-57 Hydrographic Data Electronic Navigation Chart
Estensione .003 International S-57 Hydrographic Data Electronic Navigation Chart
Estensione .004 International S-57 Hydrographic Data Electronic Navigation Chart
Estensione .005 International S-57 Hydrographic Data Electronic Navigation Chart
Estensione .006 International S-57 Hydrographic Data Electronic Navigation Chart
Estensione .007 International S-57 Hydrographic Data Electronic Navigation Chart
Estensione .008 International S-57 Hydrographic Data Electronic Navigation Chart
Estensione .009 International S-57 Hydrographic Data Electronic Navigation Chart
Estensione .13O RINEX
Estensione .3DD ArcGlobe Document